Why Calico Critters Are the Ultimate Summer Inspiration

These pastoral, inch-tall animals are having the best summer of all.

calico critters summer travel inspiration
Photo courtesy of Calico Critters
Photo courtesy of Calico Critters

While scrolling through my feed on Instagram, I, like my Gen Z counterparts, feel raging vacation envy. But it isn’t toward the bronzed bodies loafing about on white sand beaches or the sundress-clad women drinking café au laits in Paris. The bane of my existence and the object of all my desires are Calico Critters.

You may remember the line of miniature animal figurines from childhood, or at the very least, from the second episode of PEN15. The first time I encountered them was in second grade on a playdate; I was immediately entranced by the Chocolate Rabbit Family's whimsical outfits, antique dining set, and red shingled roof. From that day on, I dreamed not only of garnering my own collection but emulating their way of life. 

Over the past couple of years, the adorable furry friends have made quite the splash, in part thanks to the TikTok account @Sylvaniandrama, where the critters run each other over in their convertibles to the tune of “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers. The official Calico Critters Instagram account, however, which has garnered over a hundred thousand followers, really fuels my jealousy.

Intricately laid out picnics. Spirited tennis matches. Garden parties. Serene beach days. These are just a few of the activities Calico Critters are getting up to this summer as I am hunched in front of my laptop, lamenting the fact that I can no longer read people’s Twitter likes. These inanimate critters know how to live, and they’re doing it better than me.

Instead of being paralyzed by my fervent jealousy, though, I’m using them to shape my summer inspiration. That means thrifting loose shortalls ideal for climbing trees, rounding up my friends to hit up the farmer’s market, and, yes, going so far as joining my local community garden. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from keeping up with the Calico Critters, it’s that they appreciate the little things; they’ve shown me an ideal summer isn’t extravagant or ritzy but leisurely and calm.

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Kelsey Allen is an associate editor on the local team at Thrillist.