I like the fact that this comes in a bottle with a pump to get the product out as opposed to a jar that you have to dip your fingers in to to get the product. I have arthritis in my hands and it helps with the pain and stiffness. i wonder though if a product with more than 500mg would do even better? i may try one when i am out of this item.
Wholesale orders must have a minimum purchase of $500. However, depending on the size of your order and the items purchased, certain discounts may be applied. Our goal at Diamond CBD is to make your CBD wholesale or wholesale delta 8 business as successful as possible, so call us if you have any questions.
Tell me about your wholesale CBD products.
You can enjoy a wide range of our most popular CBD products for wholesale, from CBD isolate wholesale to CBD oil wholesale to CBD gummies wholesale. CBD is still the leading cannabinoid in the cannabis space and one that can help your business grow to new heights.
Why choose CBD concentrate?
CBD concentrates are the perfect way to reap the benefits of CBD in hjgher concentrations than other products. One of the main advantages of CBD concentrate is that it contains higher CBD levels than those commonly found in the cannabis plant. In other words, you’ll get all the benefits of CBD faster and stronger than with other products
Can you eat CBD concentrate?
No. Eating raw CBD concentrate will not give you the benefits of CBD. It won't cause any major adverse effects, but there's really no point in eating concentrate. The only way to ingest CBD concentrate by mouth is if it pre-infused into food or drinks.
How does CBD concentrate make you feel?
It depends. Pure CBD concentrate will induce feelings of stress and anxiety relief and contains anti-inflammatory properties. CBD alone will not get you high in any concentration. If you choose a CBD concentrate mixed with other psychoactive compounds, such as delta 8, concentrate will get you high.